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The Degradation of the Character of Macbeth :: GCSE Coursework Macbeth Essays

The Degradation of the Character of Macbethâ â Shakespeare's appalling play, Macbeth investigates the decay of the focal character,...

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Self Assessment - 2720 Words

Abstract Emotional Intelligence is the ability to perceive and express emotion, assimilate emotion in thought, understand, and reason with emotion, and regulate in self and others. It provides the bedrock for the development of a large number of competences that helps people perform more effectively. There are four domains of Emotional Intelligence and they are Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, and Relationship Management; within these domains they have 18 competences (Cherniss Goleman, 2001). This paper will provide an self-assessment review of emotional intelligence theory based on my experiences, present understanding, and future goals; using the four domains of emotional intelligence and all 18 competencies to†¦show more content†¦Journaling helps with deeper reflection, getting people to focus on their past experiences, goals, and personal mission. Self-awareness is also developed through completing personality and behavioral questionnaires† (Sadri, 20 11, p. 84) My emotional intelligence in relation to self-awareness in the past was nonexistence; however, I then realized and came to learn that many conflicts on teams and issues with teamwork have been directly linked to communication defaults. I continue to understand how my communication preferences, for instance, how I gather, receive, send, and make decisions continue to affect those who I work with. An administrative assistant involves the skill of planning, coordination of many concurrent activities, organizing various tasks and responsibilities and being very detail-oriented and above being flexible, I strife daily to continue to improve that myself awareness is a continual task into the future. Golnaz Sadri also explained in his article that self-regulation requires that a person observe her own behavior and make changes where necessary and requires that a person set behavior-oriented goals and monitor her progress toward these goals (Emotional Intelligence: Can It Be Taught, 2011). Self-Management Self-management is essential, it suggest the importance of managing one’s emotions by using abilities, such as self-discipline, integrity, and staying motivatedShow MoreRelatedNotes On Self Assessment Tools899 Words   |  4 Pages1. Self assessment tools can be found in several places from self-help books to magazine articles, and sometimes make grand and exaggerated claims. What are the advantages and disadvantages of these self-help tools? Okay to start off, I decided to do a self-assessment based on depression. 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